[WriteLog] Query

Iowaguy earlham@radiks.net
Sat, 29 Dec 2001 13:53:42 -0600


Am new to Writelog and to this reflector but would like to pose a question
that, I'm sure, has been asked many times before.  I did look in the
archives to see if my question had been addressed but did not find an answer
(it's probably in there somewhere).

I run a FT-1000MP.  In my previous contest logging programs, I have always
used the LPT port for CW interface to the computer.  I recently upgraded
computers and am using W2K-Pro.  It appears that W2K will not support the
LPT interface so I will need to tie into the existing serial interface to
the rig.  I'm looking for pinout info as to where the PTT (RTS) and CW (DTR)
functions tie on both the computer and rig end of the cable.  Does anyone
have this info handy?  Also, are there any commercially available interface
cables already Y'd off and built up with the opto-isolator?

73 and HNY...Dave