WriteLog Upgrade: 9.22C

Ron Stailey, K5DJ k5dj@contesting.com


    What's in 9.22:

Fixed: if you started a RTTY window from WriteLog and then closed it, ALT+K
would not bring up a CW window anymore.

When typing in a split frequency, validate it against band edges and refuse
to set the split out of band.

When setting a split calculated from a packet spot, validate it against band
edges and don’t use it if out of band.

If a contest has per-band multipliers that don’t depend on the call sign,
use previously logged QSOs with that call on other bands to flag

Support for Minnesota QSO party.

The reports introduced in 9.21 only totaled CW QSOs for multi-mode contests.

Fixed problem introduced in 9.21 that resulted in sometimes showing the
serial number 65535.

Improved WinRTTY weak signal copying ability.

CQ 160m needs a 2 character column for points (10 point QSOs)

  Be advised this update doesn't have the FT-920 fix in it. It will be in
  the next update. If you need the fix for WPX test send me a request direct.

  73, de Ron K5DJ