[WriteLog] Antenna direction - Sunrise/Sunset

N1HKO - Bill Fleming n1hko@arrl.net
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 14:55:05 -0500

Hello All,

Regarding antenna direction and Sunrise/Sunset times. Does 
anyone know how these are calculated or can be adjusted? From 
here in NH, WL seems to think all of Canada is at 291. I'm not sure 
that is correct for any province - But, it sure isn't correct for VO1, 
VE1, VE2 etc. I have checked my LAT/LON settings and know 
they are correct. I'm thinking Sunrise/Sunset calcualtions are 
driven by a similar set of data. Any ideas?

Bill Fleming
Amateur Radio Station(s) - N1HKO, 8P9AM, PJ2/N1HKO, P4/N1HKO
Trustee WT1M (ex AF1G)
ARES District Emergency Coordiantor - American Red Cross Liaison
RACES Radio Officer
Manchester, New Hampshire

P O Box 5973
Manchester, NH 03108-5973
(603) 647-4669