[Re: [WriteLog] More re XP Upgrade Issues]

Larry Lindblom w0etc@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 23:54:19 -0000

But, you would be upset if the new car didn't run on gasoline;-)  If you
consider software the fuel that makes things go, having to switch to newer
more expensive fuel is a pain.  As always the cost of an upgrade is more
than just the new OS.  It includes everything else you will have to upgrade.
Which is why we are not upgrading at work.

73 W0ETC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dean Norris" <dnorris@k7no.com>
To: "ON7UI/Etienne" <etienne.rosseel@pandora.be>; "Duane Calvin"
Cc: <WriteLog@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 23:30
Subject: Re: [Re: [WriteLog] More re XP Upgrade Issues]

> At 15:20 11/9/2001, ON7UI/Etienne wrote:
> >Well I am not happy with it at all. It will not let me run some of my
> >'older' payed
> >software I use regulary.Not with 'compatibility w9xx' or anything. I just
> >recentely
> >got this notebook, 1GHz PIII,256Mb and XP preinstalled . The OS is very
> >stable
> >, but even then I had to reinstall it because it would not work with my
> >virus scanner.
> Let's see.  I bought a Corvette and am POed because it will not run on
> like my old horse "Smokey" would!  Hmmm.  I would be too.
> cdn
> --
> Let's Roll
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