[Re: [WriteLog] More re XP Upgrade Issues]

Dean Norris dnorris@k7no.com
Fri, 09 Nov 2001 17:21:45 -0700

At 16:54 11/9/2001, Larry Lindblom wrote:
>But, you would be upset if the new car didn't run on gasoline;-)  If you
>consider software the fuel that makes things go, having to switch to newer
>more expensive fuel is a pain.  As always the cost of an upgrade is more
>than just the new OS.  It includes everything else you will have to upgrade.
>Which is why we are not upgrading at work.
>73 W0ETC

I don't disagree but upgrades are just that.  More 'bang' for the 
buck.  One must weigh the gains vs, the losses.  If the new OS has more 
negatives than benefits, no one forces the change.  I use 98SE on one 
computer, ME on another and 2K on my main machine.  I have no need to 
change to XP AT THIS TIME.  I will no doubt be persuaded to change in the 
future.  What capabilities I lose will be more than made up for but the 
benefits.  E.g., CT was made generally obsolete in 2K.  Guess what... I 
went to a much more powerful logger, Writelog.  I sold my Tandy 1200 in 
1990.  CT worked great in it, HIHI



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