[WriteLog] Entry Window Question

Jerry Pixton jpixton@shentel.net
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 11:54:50 +0000

Rick, et al

You missed the point.

I bitched about this several contests ago.

The behavior when you click on a call (rather than type it in) is for the 
cursor automatically to move to the RST field. Thus QRZ is sent NOT the 
exchange when you try to use the ENTER key. This behavior essentially makes 
the nice ENTER accelerator key USELESS for me.

Jerry, W6IHG

At 12:30 PM 11/12/2001 -0500, DieselCar@aol.com wrote:
>k7jj@arrl.net writes:
>  When CQ'ing (Run), I select the calling station with the mouse and the call
>populates the Callsign field. However, the cursor jumps to the RST field. If
>I hit Enter at this point I expect the call and rst to be sent. Instead the
>qsl/qrz message is sent.
>. . . .>>
>Try the following:
>1 - on WriteLog main window, click ENTRY
>When ENTER is hit wid the cursor is in the CALL window, it will send the
>exchange. That is, I have my exchange on F10. When the cursor is in any field
>other than CALL then F3 (%r%d TU GL QRZ? de W4UEF TEST%r%e) is sent. Since my
>exchange is on said keys then the following is in WRITELOG.INI:
>Gud luck
>   ue Rick W4UEF
>WriteLog mailing list

Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC