[WriteLog] Problems from RTTY contest

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Sun, 30 Sep 2001 20:25:43 -0500

> 2. MMTTY crashed every hour or two with a text message "Lost
> Sound." Fortunately, all that was necessary was close the RTTY
> window, then reopen it.

That didn't happen here - on WIN98 or WIN2000.  Sometimes when I close down
the whole WL program, like after the contest, the will remain on the screen
a window with some sort of "sound" error - I get this even when the program
and MMTTY have been working flawlessly.  No problem...

>but the AFC worked great, rather than twiddling the RIT.

My AFC was always changing - Seemed like whenever I looked at it, it was the
"other" way...  Not staying ON during CQ, and not staying OFF during S&P -
drove me nuts trying to catch it all the time!!  I thought this was a known
problem that had been fixed?  It would be nice if when you turn the AFC off,
it would default to 2125 and stay there.  Maybe I still don't have the
latest versions, but I thought I did.  Anyone?