[WriteLog] Re: WriteLog

Pete Kemp radioguy@snet.net
Mon, 01 Oct 2001 10:56:31 -0400

>From: "WA9ALS - John" <wa9als@starband.net>
>Here are the WL problems that happened to me during the contest:
>1. Lots of callsigns weren't auto-highlighted, even if preceeded by a
>DE. So, I had to click on them, rather than just hitting INS. Related
>to this, if a partial-call is in the master.dta file, it keeps the whole
>call from highlighting. For example, if SN2E is in the database, but
>a call such as SN2EEO appeared, couldn't click on the complete
>2. MMTTY crashed every hour or two with a text message "Lost
>Sound." Fortunately, all that was necessary was close the RTTY
>window, then reopen it. BTW, MMTTY did a great job of copying
>that fluttery stuff (seems like everything was fluttery this weekend!)
>by selecting Multipath. Also, I didn't think of using it till near the
>end, but the AFC worked great, rather than twiddling the RIT.
>It was fun, and tiring! Tnx for all the QSOs.

I noticed the same highlighting glitch.

Special thanks to John WA9ALS for posting his macros for the contest.  They 
worked fine.  Nice to see so many familiar calls on the air, as well as the 

Pete, KZ1Z