[WriteLog] Saving your configuration

Jerry Pixton jpixton@shentel.net
Wed, 03 Oct 2001 19:31:48 +0000

Gil, and others,

There is a technique used by many of us. I first heard about it from Dick 
Stevens, N1RCT. It makes use of Bat files to save and reuse a copy of the 
writelog.ini,  and others like Fkeys.ini. Also can move your audio wave 
files into a general area.

I have a ham directory on my "data" drive (so it gets backed up) that has 
the following subdirectories (contest, inifiles, qso, satellite, and 
wavefiles). The contest directory holds all the logs and reports from past 
contests. The inifiles directory holds ini files specialized for each 
contest. The qso directory holds monthly writelog files for general dxcc 
contacts. The satellite directory has monthly writelog files for my 
satellite contacts. And finally the wavefile directory is where all the 
wave files are kept for each contest.

To get ready for each contest, I make new directories, make new copies of 
the batch file to save the contest ini files and to initialize the same 
files. Then I set up the WriteLog for that contest, copying the Function 
key message file from old contests. When all is setup, you save the 
writelog contest file and save the configuration files. I also make a 
backup copy of the contest file just before the test in case I have to 
restart things during the test. Also I make a copy for testing purposes to 
try logging contacts to see if all the behaviors are right.

Here is a copy of the save file from last weekend --
copy c:\winnt\writelog.ini d:\ham\inifiles\cqww_rtty_dx.ini
copy c:\ham\fkeys\FKeys.ini d:\ham\inifiles\Fkeys\Fkeys_cqww_rtty_dx.ini

And the init file

copy c:\winnt\writelog.ini d:\ham\inifiles\writelog.sav
copy d:\ham\inifiles\cqww_rtty_dx.ini c:\winnt\writelog.ini
copy d:\ham\inifiles\Fkeys\Fkeys_cqww_rtty_dx.ini c:\ham\fkeys\FKeys.ini

This way you can be using your general qso files right up to the contest - 
working all those stations testing. And then switch files in the last 10 
minutes or so.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Jerry, W6IHG

At 08:55 AM 10/2/2001 -0500, Gil Baron wrote:
>If you save your configuration and then also save the contest then all is 
>well if you open that contest again. The problem comes if you try to set 
>the window size for the log window to a smaller for RTTY for instance so 
>you have room for the RTTY window and then save it. If you go back to the 
>other contest with the large window it is set at the small size. It also 
>requires you to say if you want RTTY or not when you save the 
>configuration. This seems to indicate that the information is saved in the 
>ini file and applies to ALL contests and that would be true even if it is 
>a CW contest, still RTTY comes up and still the window is too small.
>It would be nice to save this data in the contest files and or have a name 
>of ini that corresponds to the contest.
>It would also be nice if the ini file were saved in the program directory 
>and not in the system directory.
>Gil Baron http://members.home.com/gbaron
>44.08208 N 92.51263 W 1055'
>"Baila como nadie te ve"

Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC