[WriteLog] 10.28D not ready to download...

Ron K5DJ k5dj@writelog.com
Sat, 6 Oct 2001 19:02:47 -0000

Hi All, here is update 10.28D. 
In update 10.28D:

General DXCC Logger auto-fills Name column.
IOTA contest accepts less than 3 digit numbers.
IOTA contest exports ADIF with a dash.
Support for Oceania DX contest.
Supercheck sorts calls in the log first, then calls from the .dta file.
Fix bug with %C in programmed message: would not send anything beyond the
CALL if it was a dupe.
Support VHF transverter with high-side mixer.
Fix bug in assignment of sequence numbers on band change when doing by-band
Make ADIF import preserve NETW station letter.
Add Network Disconnect menu item.
Fix incorrect "No Rig!" display when running CW but no rig on a COM port.
WAE QTC TX dialog advances on down arrow.
Multi-Single 10 minute rule go/no-go display - (is only in CQWW phone and
CW--not RTTY. 
WAE QTC RX dialog has no ALT+A accelerator key anymore.


  73, de Ron K5DJ