[WriteLog] CT-17 replacement

Georgek5kg@aol.com Georgek5kg@aol.com
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 10:56:38 EDT

In a message dated 8/11/2002 10:40:33 AM Greenwich Standard Time, 
k4ooo@bellsouth.net writes:

> My Icom CT-17 got fried somehow and I need a replacement quickly.


I fixed a fried CT-17 with a replacement chip from DigiKey.  The chip was 
only few bucks and replacement was easily done with needlenose and a 
magnifying lamp.

I also bought an interface cable from K1NU.  It is equivalent to the CT-17 
but does not require external 12vdc.  It also will not drive 4 radios or the 
PW-1 amp.  However, if you only need a control live from the serial port to 
the radio, it's the cat's PJ's!.  Works fine with WL.

73, Geo...

George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
201-415-6044 cell

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