[WriteLog] Windows XP and parallel port keying problem

Peter Egger hb9bmy@bluewin.ch
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 18:55:27 +0200

Hi friends!

I installed WriteLog on my new notebook under Windows XP home edition.
In order to key my transceiver in CW thru the LPT1 port I installed =
Direct I/O, version 4.2. Then I opened the control panel of Direct I/O =
and configured the programm for WriteLog.=20
I entered the resources for LPT1 as 378-37A.
Then I opened in WriteLog SETUP - PORTS and wanted to chose LPT1 for CW =
keying. This was not possible. I only could choose LPT2!=20
Now I have the following situation:
My notebook only has LPT1, Direct I/O is configured with the numbers for =
LPT1 but WriteLog only accepts LPT2.=20
I tried to key the transceiver anyway. WriteLog would send CW via the =
parralel port, but the CW sounds interrupted. Dots and dashes have very =
short breaks.
How can I fix the problem? Is there a special parallel port =

Mni tnx es vy 73, Peter

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