[WriteLog] Re MMTTY locking up
Phil Cooper
Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 20:50:32 +0100
Hi Don,
I too have had a few occasions when the MMTTY panle won't close, and it
usually ends up with the PC having a "hard reset" !
It hasn't happened that often, so it hasn't been a real problem for me.
Occasionally, it too has resulted in the blue screen, but not always.
I can't seem to pin it down to anything specific, but I have noticed that
just prior to this, the callsigns stop getting highlighted. That has been a
prompt for me to do a "save", and then stop and restart Writelog.
Don, have you noticed the lack of highlighting??
I have only had this problem since upgrading the shack PC from a P200 to the
current PIII 700MHz machine. As before, this one also runs Win98SE.
Curiosly, I have recently noted that after using Writelog for a contest, and
then using MMTTY on its' own, I have to go into the setup and reset the PTT
Com Port! For some reason, it reverts back to NONE after using Writelog.
Like you, I think MMTTY does a great job, and it certainly is excellent at
copying signals.
I wonder if Writelog would be better making use of the MMTTY engine within
the Writelog folder, instead of accessing the MMTTY folder?
Just to let you know you ain't alone with your occasional problem!
73 for now