[WriteLog] Re MMTTY locking up
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 04:02:23 +0000
Phil Cooper wrote:
> Hi Don,
> I too have had a few occasions when the MMTTY panle won't close, and it
> usually ends up with the PC having a "hard reset" !
> It hasn't happened that often, so it hasn't been a real problem for me.
> Curiosly, I have recently noted that after using Writelog for a contest, and
> then using MMTTY on its' own, I have to go into the setup and reset the PTT
> Com Port! For some reason, it reverts back to NONE after using Writelog.
OK guys, I'll try this one on. This has worked for me. Win98SE
Go into control panel, system, and take control of virtual memory (
think it under the
"advanced" tab on the right. Set both minimum and maximum to the same
size. I have 256K of memory on my AMD K7-750, with a 17 Gig HD and 384
seems to work as min/max for me.
Secondly, on having to reset the MTTY com port after using WL, there
is a simple answer to the problem. ( which I had also ) Write a batch
file for both WL and MTTY. In the beginning, have the .bat save both
the WL and MTTY ini files as say, wlini.bak and mttyini.bak. (copy
c:\ham\wl.ini c:\ham\wl.bak ) and the same with MTTY. Now, when you
exit WL and go to MTTY, execute the MTTY batch file and have it copy
mttyini.bak back to whatever the MTTY INI file is named. ( upstairs on
the office machine now ) Then all you have to do is include MTTY in
the batch file, and when you exit it, have it copy its INI
file back to MTTYINI.bak
To execute either WL or MTTY, it's simply Start, Run, and the
appropriate bat file.
In both cases, you will retain the original ini file.