[WriteLog] ENOUGH

Dean Schober dschober@nconnect.net
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 20:13:59 -0600

I recently came back into amateur radio, purchased a new (used) rig and =
bought Write Log because I enjoy contesting.  The reason I left the =
hobby before was the excessive amount of bitching and complaining by =
those that seem to have that as a mission in their life and their =
counterparts who seem to just as much enjoy slamming someone who is =
better left ignored rather than consume volumes of bandwidth on this =
reflector or the radio.  I am about to return my copy of the software =
and remove my name from the mail list simply to avoid the constant =
complaining and responses the end up in my mailbox every day.

I am a disabled federal agent, I risked and nearly lost my life to =
protect the freedom's everyone seems to take for granted these days.  I =
live in constant pain, my wife is recently out of cancer treatment and =
my father is dying of cancer.  It took me a year to save for a radio so =
it's not like this was a nothing investment for me. =20

 I daily open piles of mail filled with people complaining about things =
that in the entire scheme of things just don't mean a thing.  NOTHING, =
they amount to the complaints of people with nothing better to do with =
their time and apparently nothing else to concern themselves with in =
life.  IF you are one of those lucky people, I suggest you count your =
blessings and place your efforts and your excessive time into something =
constructive. =20

In any case stop filling my mailbox with your whining.  If you want =
something to complain about think of what it is like to lose everything =
you had in life, career, health, home, car, then add to that nearly =
losing your wife, to watch the illness nearly kill her and then the =
treatment nearly do the same.  Add to that the fact my father is dying =
hundreds of miles from my home and I am too sick and too poor to afford =
to vista him as often as I'd like.  Now is the fact that the some =
software needs a patch now and again so bad?  Is it really worth your =
time and mine to complain because someone is a jerk and has too high of =
expectations and ought to just be told to go away?  I vote NO.

I plan to give this a day or two for responses and then decide to throw =
away Write Log and cancel my membership to this list.  Is anyone else =
tired of this??  If anyone has anything to say to me about this post =
please don't use the space on the reflector, e-mail me direct.  I have =
had enough

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