[WriteLog] Success - MMTTY x 2 and filter/spectrum question
WA9ALS - John
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 22:55:06 -0500
Thanks to Jerry, Anders, and Dave for their suggestions - easy to
I have a Dell computer with integrated sound, but I ordered it with a
Soundblaster Live Value card (just in case...). I've been using one
instance of MMTTY using the Soundblaster card. Tonight I rebooted and
entered setup to turn on the integrated sound. Double-clicking on the
speaker icon in the sys tray revealed 2 soundcard choices to control, so
I hoped that Windows was recognizing both sound systems.
Next I opened 2 instances of MMTTY - you don't have to have 2 separate
instances of MMTTY folders/installed - just use your usual shortcut to
open 2 instances of the same program. Then in Options, MISC, set
different device IDs for the 2 programs - I used 0 for the first
instance and 1 for the second. Plugged in the audio to the appropriate
(separate) inputs, and there it was - working FB! MANY THANKS!
Now an interesting observation - If you look at my screenshot at
http://wa9als.mystarband.net/wlmmttyx2.gif, you will note different
spectrums. Both radios are set to the exact same freq - 7.082576 - and
both are using 350 Hz filters, yet the spectrums are quite different.
BTW, AFC is OFF on both, as is RIT.
The PROII (left) is using its all-DSP filters, an the IC-706MKIIG
(right) is using it's FL-232 350 Hz filter. UNFORTUNATELY, I can't find
any RTTY signals to try out tonight!
Any ideas about the (noise) spectrum differences?
If this SO2R (single computer) MMTTYx2 information is not already
available on Don's or Jay's web sites, I'd like to document the setup on
mine. Don? Jay? Any comments welcomed! 73 - John