[WriteLog] WL 10.30B Comments - stuttering, Enter key, packet

Barry N1EU n1eu@hotmail.com
Mon, 18 Feb 2002 08:39:44 -0500

I hope everyone enjoyed the incredible condx this weekend!  A few 
post-contest comments:

1. LPT1 cw stuttering is still a major problem (INI entry made).  I'd 
appreciate hearing from any contesters who spent 5+ hours running and didn't 
notice stuttering.  I honestly didn't notice much improvement over previous 
WL revs.  I can't help but wonder if there is an underlying WL event that is 
causing the stuttering, such as processing a new spotted multiplier.  Maybe 
the guys who are operating unassisted don't see the stuttering?

2. There is a potentially dangerous conflict in the action of the "Enter" 
key.  If cursor focus is in the log entry window, "Enter" (or Ctrl-Enter) 
will log the entry.  If focus gets shifted from the log entry window into 
the packet spot window, "Enter" will overwrite the log entry with the 
highlighted spot and the qso will be lost.  If you are gunning packet spots, 
this shift of focus can easily happen.  The "Enter" key alone should not 
move a packet spot into the log entry window and overwrite what is there.

3.  If "alt-W" can clear the log entry window when cursor focus is in the 
packet spot window, it would be nice to move the cursor focus to the log 
entry window from there since the logical next move is to enter the correct 

4. There is often a very noticeable one second delay in grabbing a packet 
spot, and sometimes no delay.

5. It would be great to be able to constantly view Mults on All Bands in a 
separate window while viewing (& gunning) the spots for a selected band.

6. "/BUST" should not show up as a multiplier.  Seems like we visited this a 
year or two ago.


Barry  N1EU

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