[WriteLog] mmtty and XP
FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:52:51 -0600
Running XP on a 900AMD, lots of ram, dual monitor. Have a few things running
in the background such as OE, Seti, Time sync, NAV. Also on a LAN.
I also noticed a slower start to MMtty when clicking on it's icon.
I have one icon in the taskbar that I use when running MMtty standalone.
I also notice a slower initialization of MMtty when starting WriteLog.
In both case I also notice a slower shutdown.
So...MMtty starts and stops slower in XP over 98SE.
Neither is a problem as I usually do not wait till 23:59:59 to get ready for
a contest.
And I keep the standalone ALWAYS running but minimized when just tuning for
rtty dx.
The XP taskmanager is a bit different and shows data a bit more
I watched it during the last cw contest and saw that XP managed cpu use VERY
Was also surprised at how little cpu use WL needed to decode CW. I thought
that would have been a major job.
For me...XP has been PERFECT, not a single problem. Obviously YMMV.
Day light savings time -- why are they saving it and where do they keep it?
Bill H. in Chicagoland