[WriteLog] Contest Entry class with Write Log

Bob Helms af5z@arrl.net
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 17:28:26 -0600

Hi Doug,

If you notice, when logging contests with Write Log, you don't enter
the transmitter power level or contest entry class.  The only exceptions
to this are:

1.) If you generate a summary sheet for the contest, it will include
your entry class.  Just don't forget to save it to the hard drive
with a unique name so next year's event doesn't write over last year's

2.) If you create a CABRILLO file it will show your entry class.  The
filename convention here is even MORE likely to be overwritten as all
CABRILLO files are supposed to be named <callsign>.CBR or <callsign>.LOG.
In your case that would be N0AH.CBR or N0AH.LOG.  Obviously, only the
latest CABRILLO file will be found on your drive since each new one
saved will write over the previous one.

I use the following techniques to overcome some of these limitations...

A.) I create contest log filenames that I can decipher into the contest
name and year.  Examples are CQ160_02 or ARDXCW_02 for the upcoming
CQ 160 meter 2002 contest and the ARRL DX CW 2002 contest.  ALL files
for each of these contests would start with the same name.

B.) I save the summary sheet in .RTF format along with all the report
files using the same filename but different filename extensions (types).

C.) After I generate a CABRILLO file and submit it, I rename it to
the filename format above with a .CBR extension.

D.) Although I've not done this, I think a 3-ring binder of paper copies
of my summary sheets would be a handy operating aid to compare my past
results to current efforts.  Notes could be written about mistakes made
and successful strategies on these sheets for later reference.

Good Luck,

Bob Helms, AF5Z