[WriteLog] Template for Kansas QSO Party?

J. Marcus Ziegler J. Marcus Ziegler" <w6zzz@arrl.net
Sat, 26 Jan 2002 09:31:47 -0800


Does one of the existing WriteLog templates work okay for the Kansas QSO
Party? It would just have to be the out of state HF part.

There isn't a specific template for the KQP in WriteLog.

HF Non-Kansas and DX stations will provide call sign, state or country, and
Logs should show date, time, mode, call sign of Kansas station, county, and
rs(t) for each contact

Non-Kansas Stations HF Score
Multiply total points (from the following table) by different Kansas
counties worked (max 105).

HF points
1 point for each contact on SSB.
2 points for each contact on CW.
3 points for each contact on AM, FM or PSK-31, RTTY, SSTV, or any other HF
mode not listed.

I guess I could just go and try out all the state QSO templates that are in