[WriteLog] To RIGBlaster Users
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 14:17:07 EDT
Tha's a very good question, Don.
Many people have the rig blaster and are happy with it in general..There is
nothing in it however that couldn't easily have been fabricated from a
typical ham "junque" box. Radio Shack has all the parts and some nice little
boxes to put it in if you're not a parts collector like me. I have made 4
interfaces myself mostly from the junk bin and have given 2 away . The HELP
files on digipan has all the information to put one together. I put the
generalized schematic on our club website www.wb7qiw.org.
Some people like to build and others don't. Some people like to try new
things and others are afraid of equipment with too many knobs. That's why
there are people who make a living selling wire antennas, HI.
If you like to dabble, a home built interface is a nice little project.
Ed, N7TL
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