[WriteLog] KAM Transmit on RTTY?
Dez in Cyprus
Thu, 4 Jul 2002 08:19:00 -0000
Hi All,
Been using a KAM and a KAM+ since the year dot (well almost), with various
software, and Writelog 10.xx
exclusively for the past 12 months without any problems.
I have never experienced missed characters on TX. Maybe this is a separate
RFI issue.
These are the port settings from my WRITELOG.ini file:
Although I only have 2 COM ports on my system.
I use COM1 for the KAM+. My mouse is on COM2, both serial ports are 9 pin.
I found that the low tones were correct for my KAM+, and polarity B. The RX
signal sits nicely in the passband of my rigs filters when using FSK.
The KAM and KAM+ have always worked very well with Writelog.
Finally, my operating system is Windows 98, simply because I prefer CW key
on the little used parallel port.
It makes sense to me to use this resource on CW rather than hogging a much
more valuable serial port.
Hope to see you on the air soon.
Dez - ZC4DW