[WriteLog] SuperCable

FireBrick FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 05:56:48 -0500

I recently completed building a SuperCable for my PC to FT1000MP
One cable, multipairs of twisted, double shielded.
I used ferrite beads on all leads and color coded quality connectors for the
pc and MP.
I incorporated audio isolation transformers on the audio lines.

It cleared up the rats nest and made connections easy to remember.

It also had one unexpected benefit that may be of use to other

It seems to have cut down what I thought was line noise and birdies,
I guess it was pc radiated noise or perhaps noise generated by other
equipment (maybe monitors), in close proximity to the rig.
Whatever the source of the noise, the shielded cable sure helped.
It took a lot of hours of planning, careful soldering, lead dressing etc.,
but it was worth it.

Alabama: Yes, We Have Electricity

Bill H. in Chicagoland