[WriteLog] More Writelog contest wizard questions
Pat Cain, K0PC
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 08:51:35 -0500
The multipliers can be segregated by the way you define the .ini file. For
an example look in namedmul.ini and scroll down to the section for
RTTYRNDUP. This shows a listing of states and provinces, you could do the
same thing but list your counties instead of provinces.
The list of bands in the freq/mode dialog comes from the *dat.cpp file
(replace * with your module name). If you look in that file you will find
the bands defined. If you can work the same station in CW & PHONE on 20M
you need two bands but you can change the order of them so you have all the
CW bands together, then the PHONE bands. If you open a Field Day log and
select the freq/mode dialog you will find each band listed three times but
you have to scroll to see them all.
Be aware that if you change the order of the bands you will have to change
the code in the QsoAdd and QsoRem routines to get the band right for scoring.
At 04:46 PM 7/16/02 -0400, Rick Stoneking wrote:
>I have made progress on my efforts thanks to help from several people on
>the reflector, but I have a couple more questions.
>1. I am using named multipliers so I have created an .ini file, which
>works fine. I would like to have two groups of multipliers (states, and
>counties) that you can select from in the drop down box in the multiplier
>window. Can I do this within the wizard? If so how?
>2. The contest module I am creating is for a dual mode (SSB and CW)
>contest. When you click on the frequenc/mode button in the QSO entry
>section of the display it lists every band twice
>How do I get only one entry per band (the way the field day, for example,
>contest works)?
>Thanks again to all who respond.
>73 de W2RDS
>WriteLog mailing list