[WriteLog] More Writelog contest wizard questions

Pat Cain, K0PC k0pc@arrl.net
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 10:13:25 -0500

WriteLog just uses the frequency from that selection list. The mode is 
determined by the mode box that is checked.

At 10:33 AM 7/17/02 -0400, Rick Stoneking wrote:
>Thanks for the info!
>One more question regarding the band/freq/mode issue.  When a user selects 
>the freq/mode dialog and there are multiple listings for a given band - 
>does it matter which one they select in the band list box?  i.e. if 20m is 
>listed twice, and the first one is (per the *dat.cpp file) is the Phone 
>entry and the second is the CW entry, if they click on the first one, and 
>then click the CW radio button, does WL handle that correctly? I am 
>assuming that it does, but I just want to double check.
>Thanks again and 73,
>At 08:51 AM 7/17/02 -0500, Pat Cain, K0PC wrote:
>>The multipliers can be segregated by the way you define the .ini file. 
>>For an example look in namedmul.ini and scroll down to the section for 
>>RTTYRNDUP. This shows a listing of states and provinces, you could do the 
>>same thing but list your counties instead of provinces.
>>The list of bands in the freq/mode dialog comes from the *dat.cpp file 
>>(replace * with your module name). If you look in that file you will find 
>>the bands defined. If you can work the same station in CW & PHONE on 20M 
>>you need two bands but you can change the order of them so you have all 
>>the CW bands together, then the PHONE bands. If you open a Field Day log 
>>and select the freq/mode dialog you will find each band listed three 
>>times but you have to scroll to see them all.
>>Be aware that if you change the order of the bands you will have to 
>>change the code in the QsoAdd and QsoRem routines to get the band right 
>>for scoring.
>>Pat  KØPC
>>At 04:46 PM 7/16/02 -0400, Rick Stoneking wrote:
>>>I have made progress on my efforts thanks to help from several people on 
>>>the reflector, but I have a couple more questions.
>>>1. I am using named multipliers so I have created an .ini file, which 
>>>works fine.  I would like to have two groups of multipliers (states, and 
>>>counties) that you can select from in the drop down box in the 
>>>multiplier window.  Can I do this within the wizard?  If so how?
>>>2. The contest module I am creating is for a dual mode (SSB and CW) 
>>>contest.  When you click on the frequenc/mode button in the QSO entry 
>>>section of the display it lists every band twice
>>>How do I get only one entry per band (the way the field day, for 
>>>example, contest works)?
>>>Thanks again to all who respond.
>>>73 de W2RDS