[WriteLog] VHF contest scoring problem

W0eea@aol.com W0eea@aol.com
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 01:34:40 EDT

Hello WriteLog users,

We used WriteLog for the just passed June VHF QSO Party and had a few minor 
problems with it.

First it handles 6 meters in the check call window differently than all other 
bands.  Just type
in a callsign without hitting the spacebar and the check call window tells us 
it's status except on
6 meters where we have to hit the space bar to see if its a dup or not.  This 
is on all computers 
on the network.  

Also we ran as a limited multi-op so we were limited to sending in QSOs from 
5 bands.  However we 
made 6 QSOs on a sixth band (903 MHz).  When we marked these six QSOs as 
'unclaimed' two things 
were done improperly by the scoring module.  First it marked one of the QSOs 
as a duplicate instead
of unclaimed.  This QSO was with a rover and had a different grid square from 
the other QSO with 
the same call.  WriteLog handled such QSOs correctly elsewhere in the log but 
mismarked this one 
after it was changed to uncliamed.  WriteLog then properly deleted the QSO 
points for these QSOs
from the cover sheet and Cabrillo file,  but it did not delete the grids 
worked from the total, 
and therefore also calculated the score wrong.

Bottom line:  the network worked so much better than the old logger did that 
it was worth a few minor
problems.  But it would be nice if they could be fixed before the next time 
the VHF QSO Party module 
is needed again.



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