[WriteLog] IC-765 Problem Solved

Frank Grossman (WB2BXO) flgrossman@earthlink.net
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 00:24:34 -0400

Those of you with long memories (or those of you who peruse the archives =
on sleepless nights) may recall the saga of my IC-765 that stopped =
communicating with my computer after a lightening strike on September =
10, 2001.  (Now was that a bad omen, or what?)  I eventually determined =
that the problem was probably in the IC-765 itself, not the CT-17, and =
after much searching for a box, had Icom replace two TTL transistors.

Well, I was partly right.  The transistors were bad, but the CT-17 was =
also. Fortunately, Jim, AD1C had already sent me a replacement =
CT-17--thanks Jim--so swapping out my CT-17 for his solved the remaining =

Now, I don't recall who sent me their Icom box.  It was one of you on =
either the DX4WIN or Writelog list, but I can't seem to find your =
message. so, please let me know who you are.  We'll promptly return your =
box.  It's unused, BTW, because the fit wasn't quite right, so we had =
the radio shipped commercially.  The effort was much appreciated, =

So, thanks again to all who helped, and especially to Jim, and the kind =
person who sent us the Icom box...


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