[WriteLog] Notes on MK-1100 Multi-keyer

Dave nr1dx@arrl.net
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 02:00:53 +0000

It would be nice if you had the "OPTION" of having the paddle speed 
different than the internal Writelog speed. My particular operating habit 
is have my paddle set slower than my run speed so if running at 35-WPM but 
want to do fill by hand because the station I'm working can' quite copy at 
that speed I can fill slower without all the extra key strokes up and down.

Different strokes for different folks....

At 07:35 PM 6/25/02 -0400, W3YY@aol.com wrote:
>I'm in the process of integrating a MK-1100 Multi-Keyer into the shack.  I
>purchased this unit despite some serious questions about the keyer's
>functions, but I'm pleasantly surprised with how it works.  For those of you
>who don't already have the unit, but might have some of the same questions I
>did, here are the answers:
>Q:  Does the keyer paddle speed track the speed as set in WriteLog or the
>external manual speed control?  I was afraid that the paddle would operate at
>a different speed than the internal WriteLog speed.
>A:  No problem!  The keyer "grabs" the last speed change, whether it is from
>within the program or the external speed control, and syncs both the internal
>messages and the paddle to that speed.  This is perfect!  Nice job Wayne.

The other thing on my "wish list" for the future firmware release is the 
OPTION that the unit power up in the with "Auto Letter Spacing" turned OFF. 
I don't particularly like auto lettering feature and I disable it in 
Writlelog.ini However when i use the keyer with DX4WIN I have to first 
start Writelog ( toggles the keyer auto spacing OFF) then shut down 
Writelog ,then start DX4WIN (with the keyer now in the Auto Spacing OFF mode)


"A man who picks a cat up by the tail learns a lesson he can learn no other 
way" .... Mark Twain