[WriteLog] How do I Create a Dupe Check report?
Scot Herrick
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 14:36:46 -0500
This is covered in my web site under 'Post Contest.' While generic, the
section covers creating the electronic paperwork necessary for Cabrillo
files as well as contests that don't support the Cabrillo format. The
section also covers how to check your log for errors, how to export logs to
other programs (like your logging program), how to produce reports and how
to produce graphs.
To specifically answer Rich's question, under 'File' on the tool bar, select
'Export' and then 'File version of dupe sheet.'
See K9JY's WriteLog User Support Site at:
Hello to all,
Now that the contest is over the paper work must be done.
ARRL is looking for two items:
1. A summary sheet. This is easy, just click on create summary sheet.
2. A Dup sheet. OK, now what? Can anyone guide me to getting this one?
Rich AA2MF