[WriteLog] InterestingWPX log behavior - Feb 11th occurred early!

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 18:22:14 -0500

I wasn't going to bother submitting my WPX log due to relative inactivity,
but with Eddie's reminder today, I decided it would be in the interest of
participation numbers etc to send it in.  Especially since Cabrillo is so
easy with WL!

The robot just bounced the last QSO, but look at why!  The very last QSO at
23:59 was labeled Feb 11, whereas the one before it, also at 23:59, was
labeled correctly Feb 10th!  Here it is:

QSO: 28081 RY 2002-02-11 2359 WA9ALS        599  167 JA2ATE        599 143
  Line 179 was discarded.  Invalid date and time.  The contest took
  place from 0000Z on 2002-02-09 through 2359Z on 2002-02-10.

It's not a Cabrillo conversion error - The main WL log window also shows FEB
11 alongside the last QSO.

What's the deal on this?  Anyone seen this happen?  No big deal, but
interesting that Feb 11 occurred before 00:00!  ;-)