[WriteLog] tnc and packet window

Dirk Desloovere d.desloovere@skynet.be
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:24:09 +0100


I try to run a random tnc with writlog V10.29 using the packet window.
This tnc runs errorfree with Logger 8.07.
The tnc is is pwg tnc 2 using Frimware Version 2.7 software.

When I start the packetwindow in WL I can see the start protocol with =
version and the checksum in the window. So the port (com 1 in my case) =
is communicating with the tnc.

But when I want to give a command with  such as  esc  i on4adz , or esc =
c on0ck   by using the escape key the packet window closes.
So I am unable to command this tnc.  =20

What is wrong ?=20

Tnx =20


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