[WriteLog] RTTY Quirk

Phil Cooper Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 18:31:35 -0000

Hi all,

Had a minor quirk during the BARTG contest, and assumed it was probably
something I had done, but I have just been playing and trying to reproduce
it, and I now find I can.

The set-up is WL v10.30B with the MMTTY plugin. PC is a P200MMX with 64MB
RAM and 3.5GB HDD.

The problem is this:

If you use Alt-K to bring up the Tx window, to type some free text, and you
hit the # key, Alt-K won't stop the transmission, but it does close the

The only way I can find to stop the Tx is to hit the ESC key a few times,
and it does eventually stop.

I presume this is a bug!!  Any thoughts Ron??
Can someone else try this, and see if it is a quirk here, or is a proper

Very best 73 for now