[WriteLog] Re: WriteLog digest, RTTY Quirk

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 14:03:11 -0500

> However, in the RTTYrite window if with a mouse, you select "File" then
> "Type ahead" all is normal....
> or, from the keyboard, Alt-F and cursor down with the down arrow key to
> "Type ahead" and press "Enter" all is normal...
> or again from the keyboard, Alt-F and then a "T" all is normal..
> but the Alt-K alone consistently opens the Type ahead window and
> immediately puts the rig into transmit...

I don't understand the "#" part, but everything else seems like the way it's
supposed to work.  In a contest, when I hit alt-k, I want the rig in
transmit immediately so I can type what i need, then alt-k to go back to
receive.  If I were using WL for a causual QSO with a friend, then I might
want to use the Type Ahead feature by selecting it from the File menu, type
my comments, then hit the "T".

This behavior is the same with either MMTTY or Rttyrite.  Seems fine to me.

A slight variation is when using the RITTY/K6STI modem.  In that
configuration, hitting alt-k brings up the type ahead window, but the rig
doesn't key until the first character is typed.  Still the same idea though.

I guess I don't see a problem, and what is the deal with hitting the "#"
key - why would you do that?  Enlighten me - I must be missing something.
Thanks  - 73