[WriteLog] Re: WriteLog digest, RTTY Quirk

GilBaronW0MN gbaron@charter.net
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 14:48:02 -0600

> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of WA9ALS - John
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 13:03
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Re: WriteLog digest, RTTY Quirk
> > However, in the RTTYrite window if with a mouse, you select "File" then
> > "Type ahead" all is normal....
> >
> > or, from the keyboard, Alt-F and cursor down with the down arrow key to
> > "Type ahead" and press "Enter" all is normal...
> > or again from the keyboard, Alt-F and then a "T" all is normal..
> > but the Alt-K alone consistently opens the Type ahead window and
> > immediately puts the rig into transmit...
> I don't understand the "#" part, but everything else seems like
> the way it's
> supposed to work.  In a contest, when I hit alt-k, I want the rig in
> transmit immediately so I can type what i need, then alt-k to go back to
> receive.  If I were using WL for a causual QSO with a friend, then I might
> want to use the Type Ahead feature by selecting it from the File
> menu, type
> my comments, then hit the "T".
> This behavior is the same with either MMTTY or Rttyrite.  Seems
> fine to me.
> A slight variation is when using the RITTY/K6STI modem.  In that
> configuration, hitting alt-k brings up the type ahead window, but the rig
> doesn't key until the first character is typed.  Still the same
> idea though.
> I guess I don't see a problem, and what is the deal with hitting the "#"
> key - why would you do that?  Enlighten me - I must be missing something.
> Thanks  - 73

If it is in Alt K send and you hit that key you cannot end the send with
another Alt K a you should be able to do! One Hundred Percent Reproducible

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