[WriteLog] Re: [RTTY] Problem with Writelog Cabrillo logs for BARTG test

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 18:44:02 -0500

> QSO: 21079 RY 2002-03-16 0323 WW3S          599   10 RV9BB         599
> 0323
> Isn't the sent time there? Or is it the robot doesn't recognize it?
> 73 Jamie WW3S

NOPE - You need 3 times - Logged, Sent, an Received:

QSO: 14081 RY 2002-03-16 0227 WA9ALS     599   11 0227 G4WFQ      599  015

You're missing the one between your "10" and "RV9BB"

Get a good Cabrillo converter or be patient an see if Wayne provides an
update.  73 - GL