[WriteLog] wireless keyboard/mouse combo

FireBrick FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 18:59:30 -0600

I'm presently using the Logitech ITouch wireless keyboard and optical mouse
And I like it...
DXing or contesting, it nice to move around, lay it on my lap and lean back,

So far ABSOLUTELY no rfi problems.
Only downside is the mouse consumes batteries pretty quickly.
The keyboard has great battery life.

But the keyboard is big, with a log of special purpose buttons which are NOT
programmable as far as I can tell without the use of some other program.

I think there are others. I vaguely remember a keyboard/trackball combo in
one unit that may even be more convenient.

Anybody out there have info and can supply model numbers and likes/dislikes?

I'm so clumsy I trip over cordless phones.

Bill H. in Chicagoland