[WriteLog] "Server Busy" Message ...
Billy Cox
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 16:13:26 -0600
> The only time I've ever seen this "Server Busy" message is when
> there was a long pause within WriteLog for more than a couple of
> seconds. This could happen if you were, to say, save a large log
> file (over more than say 1200 Q's or so) on a machine with a slow
> processor and little memory.
Here this happens with a log with NO QSOs in it ... I use WL to
work RTTY during non-contesting times.
> I don't know why it happens, but it can cause some havoc. In most
> cases, you can get away with clicking those "server busy" dialog
> boxes shut (I forget whether you can hit OK or just close them) and
> everything will start running again. However, I've seen it where it
> has caused Rttyrite 9 error messages and you have to shut down
> the Rttyrite window and reopen it. In rare cases, I've had to reboot
> the computer to get Rttyrite to recognize the sound card again (only
> if you are running the Rttyrite window).
Same here ...
>I used to get this message on my Dell 120 mhz Pentium I machine
>running only 16M RAM & Win95.
32M of RAM, 486DX100 ...
> My only suggestion would be to make sure you don't have any other
> programs running in the background that is taking up your processor
> resources and memory.
Geoclock "may" be part of the problem ... will do some more testing.
That's the only other program running. I was a KAM+ to decode with.
> I quickly searched the help files and couldn't find an explanation of the
> "server busy" message.
I did also ... just not much there.
TU !
73 Billy AA4NU