[WriteLog] A quirk in the ARI module?

Phil Cooper Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net
Mon, 6 May 2002 16:53:10 +0100

Hi Steve,

Well, I do appreciate your point, and yes, seeing that previous QSO number
is useful - BUT - wouldn't it be better if clicking on the new serial number
simply over-wrote that old one, instead of having to tab to that field and
deleting the contents??

Just my thoughts!

I also agree that it is good of Jorgen to provide these modules, but they do
need updating!
An instance is that it places RG9O in EU Russia, rather than Asiatic Russia,
and that can cause a lot of problems with points/mults if you are not
careful. In the SP RVG contest, it allowed me to change the country OK, but
it wouldn't change the points! Big problem if you don't notice it!

Anyway, very best 73