[WriteLog] A quirk in the ARI module?
Don Hill AA5AU
Mon, 6 May 2002 12:27:15 -0500
The ARI module is broken. The previous serial number can be helpful,
but when you click on the current serial number in the RTTYrite window
when the cursor is in the serial number field in the Entry Window, it ends up
overwriting the callsign in the callsign field! I don't recall any of the other
SM6SRW modules doing this.
Packet spots of stations you have already work show up on the bandmap
as new stations and when you click on them, the radio goes to CW mode.
But the most difficult part of the ARI module as with many of the SM6SRW
modules, is clicking on a callsign in the RTTYrite window puts the cursor
in the RST field instead of the serial number field. This can be overcome
by going to "Exchange Format Setup" under the Contest menu and unchecking
"Prompt" for the RST field. You have to click on RST in the left hand
window, then un-select "Prompt. Include in QSL Entry". This eliminates RST
from the QSO Entry Window but still gives 599 as both send and receive
RST values in the log. This works great until someone gives you a "579"
as someone did to me in the ARI this weekend. But normally this does not
happen and using this method to eliminate the RST field, eliminates the
problem of the cursor going to the RST field when clicking on a callsign
in the RTTYrite window. The cursor then goes directly to the serial number field.
I'm glad we have these SM6SRW modules. They are usable. There are
some quirks to deal with but it's better than not having any modules for those
contests. However, the ARI module was doing things the others do not
(overwriting the callsign when the cursor is in the serial number field and
clicking on a serial number in the RTTYrite window). I ended up overwriting
the previous serial number with direct keypad entry.
73, Don AA5AU
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net>
To: "Steve B" <stephen.b@cytanet.com.cy>; "Writelog" <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] A quirk in the ARI module?
> Hi Steve,
> Well, I do appreciate your point, and yes, seeing that previous QSO number
> is useful - BUT - wouldn't it be better if clicking on the new serial number
> simply over-wrote that old one, instead of having to tab to that field and
> deleting the contents??
> Just my thoughts!
> I also agree that it is good of Jorgen to provide these modules, but they do
> need updating!
> An instance is that it places RG9O in EU Russia, rather than Asiatic Russia,
> and that can cause a lot of problems with points/mults if you are not
> careful. In the SP RVG contest, it allowed me to change the country OK, but
> it wouldn't change the points! Big problem if you don't notice it!
> Anyway, very best 73
> Phil GU0SUP
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