[WriteLog] XP

Preston Graham w4fda@attbi.com
Tue, 21 May 2002 14:21:19 -0400

Back on the list after a long absence..New computer with XP Home.  I =
know about the LPT port problem and have downloaded the fix for that =
although haven't tried it yet.  Problem is that I can't get WriteLog to =
talk to my radio via com 1.  Talks both ways with logger but not at all =
with WL.  Have set all parameters more than once and still no =
communication.  An XP problem?  Using Icom 706Mk2G with Icom CT-17 =
interface.  Main rig, FT1000MP in CA for repairs. Only been there for 7 =
weeks so will probably be a few more.  Help.   Pres W4FDA

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