[WriteLog] XP

Bill Turner w7ti@dslextreme.com
Wed, 22 May 2002 07:36:13 -0700

On Tue, 21 May 2002 14:21:19 -0400, Preston Graham wrote:

>New computer with XP Home.  I know about the LPT port problem and have downloaded the fix for that although haven't tried it yet.  Problem is that I can't get WriteLog to talk to my radio via com 1. 


I can't offer a solution, but I can confirm WriteLog does work with
WinXP.  I have my TS-870S on com 1 and it does communicate, both for VFO
readout and software PTT control.  I have since changed to hardware PTT
because the timing with MMTTY wasn't as precise as I wanted, but it did

Ron, K5DJ, told me he's also been using WinXP and WriteLog since the day
it came out with no problems.

If you have a scope you might look at the pins on the com 1 connector
and see if the signals are present.

Bill, W7TI