[WriteLog] XP

Preston Graham w4fda@attbi.com
Wed, 22 May 2002 10:37:41 -0400

Got two suggestions for the ICOM 706Mk2G problem not communicating with =
WL using XP home.  The answer was provided by Jay, WS7I, who suggested =
that I not believe the Icom manual which says that the 706Mk2G address =
is 4EH and try 58 or 48 instead.  58 didn't work but 48 did.  This is in =
the radio startup menu #34 (CI-V address).  I now have #35 menu (CI-V =
data rate) set to 9600, com 1 set to 9600 and WL port setup menu to =
9600.  All's well and thanks  much to Jay and Richard Thorne who =
responded. Pres W4FDA

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