[WriteLog] XP

Darack, Zev Zev.Darack@banklink.com
Wed, 22 May 2002 12:16:49 -0400

In version 10.31 a feature was added:

Added INI entries to override the Icom rig address for all Icom rigs.

The issue you were having as you stated was that WL was looking for a
different CI-V address then the rig was set to.  As I understand it, you can
now override the default WL CI-V address to whatever address you want to set
your rig to but they must be in sync for it to work.

Glad you got it working.


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Preston Graham [mailto:w4fda@attbi.com] 
Sent:	Wednesday, May 22, 2002 10:38 AM
To:	writelog@contesting.com
Subject:	[WriteLog] XP

Got two suggestions for the ICOM 706Mk2G problem not communicating with WL
using XP home.  The answer was provided by Jay, WS7I, who suggested that I
not believe the Icom manual which says that the 706Mk2G address is 4EH and
try 58 or 48 instead.  58 didn't work but 48 did.  This is in the radio
startup menu #34 (CI-V address).  I now have #35 menu (CI-V data rate) set
to 9600, com 1 set to 9600 and WL port setup menu to 9600.  All's well and
thanks  much to Jay and Richard Thorne who responded. Pres W4FDA

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