[WriteLog] IC-756PRO-II support
Wed, 22 May 2002 12:46:52 EDT
In a message dated 5/22/02 11:16:15 AM Central Daylight Time, Bill@aa6tt.com
> Does Writelog support the Icom IC-756PROII? I don't see this rig
> listed in the Setup->Ports form. When I try using the IC-756PRO
> selection I get a "comm port not available" error message. I
> selected the Icom std 1200-baud.
Hi Bill,
Yes WL supports the IC-756Pro II. You must go into the radio's "Other" menu
and select "5CH" as the C-IV address. I also selected 9600 baud. In WL,
select the IC756 as the radio and 9600 baud. That should work. I am on the
road and do not have the radio in front of me, so I might have overlooked
something. However try that, and we can go from there.
I don't know why you would be getting the comm port not available msg. That
seems to be something not associated with the radio selection.
73, Geo...
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