AW: [WriteLog] Erratic CW

Carsten Steinhöfel
Tue, 28 May 2002 17:24:33 -0000


> * Several suggested that Windoze might have too many processes running in
> the background. Indeed, I am seeing a helluva lot more than Explorer and
> Systray! Even with no other applications open, I have six HP
> printer drivers
> for my G95 All-In-One running on my network, Realplay, Mediadet, Ctnotify,
> Alogserve and Ahqtb. Could one or more of these be grabbing the CPU's
> attention every so often? I have no idea what some of them are! This
> suggestion reminded me that I am occasionally seeing sluggish responses to
> such mundane acts as typing in an email address in Outlook----this one is
> starting to look interesting.
> * One contributor suggested that I disable my Anti-Virus program.
> Also worth
> trying...
> ...
Background processes could sure be a problem, especially the printer etc.
drivers which would obviously access the LPT port as well (and with higher
priority then Writelog). Have you thought about using a COM port for CW?
I have CW on the same port as radio control and never had erratic CW (on
a 400MHz machine).

73 Carsten, DL1EFD