AW: [WriteLog] Erratic CW
Bill Turner
Tue, 28 May 2002 16:19:46 -0700
On Tue, 28 May 2002 15:01:26 -0400, Roger Borowski wrote:
>I can't imagine why so many go for the LPT port when
>you can use the same port as rig control for CW keying???
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the reason folks want to use the
LPT port for CW is that there is a conflict if you want to use RTTY FSK
and CW on the same com port. I don't think it can be done, at least not
with MMTTY. This may not be true for all combinations of
mode/tnc/port/FSK/AFSK, but it was in my case.
After lots of head scratching, I finally ended up with three com ports
in use - com 1 to the TS-870 for VFO control, com 2 for RTTY FSK +
hardware PTT and com 3 for CW keying. A lot of wires, but it works fine
on all modes.
I tried using software PTT but never could get it to work exactly right,
probably because of the polling interval. Hardware PTT works perfect.
Hope this helps.
73, Bill W7TI