AW: [WriteLog] Erratic CW

Roger Borowski Roger Borowski" <
Tue, 28 May 2002 15:01:26 -0400

None....and never have! I can't imagine why so many go for the LPT port when
you can use the same port as rig control for CW keying??? I've heard of some
problems with com ports but it seems that if you use a com port that is part of
the mainboard, there is no problem. I've always used the COM 1 mainboard port
for rig control AND CW keying and never had any problems on three different
PC's over time. I can't confirm the heresay on add-on com ports being
troublesome for CW keying. I use them (Lava PCI board) for other purposes such
as rotator control, tnc's, PSK31 rig keying, etc. and never had problems with
them for those purposes. 73, -=Rog-K9RB=-

----- Original Message -----
From: Barry <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: AW: [WriteLog] Erratic CW

> Carsten brings up an interesting point. I don't have problems with CW
> keying, even with a P-133, after closing all the misc. background
> programs. I use a COM port, not LPT port for keying. I wonder if that is
> the answer. Anyone having the problems with COM port keying?
> Barry W2UP
> On 28 May 2002 Carsten Steinhöfel wrote:
> > > ...
> > Background processes could sure be a problem, especially the printer etc.
> > drivers which would obviously access the LPT port as well (and with higher
> > priority then Writelog). Have you thought about using a COM port for CW?
> > I have CW on the same port as radio control and never had erratic CW (on
> > a 400MHz machine).
> >
> > 73 Carsten, DL1EFD