[WriteLog] Alt-K Window does not display characters (R.I.P.)
Eric - VE3GSI
Wed, 6 Nov 2002 23:33:12 -0500
Thanks Richard,
I wholeheartedly agree with your comments. I to find WriteLog is a great
program, as are the fellow ops on this reflector.
As a relatively newcomer and casual contester I have lots to learn about
both contesting tricks, etiquette and of course the fine-tuning of the
WriteLog program. All of which I depending on the help from you guys,
both here and on the air. It is interesting to me that WriteLog can be
used so many different ways, with networks or without networks,
clusters, single rigs, multi-rigs and operators, most modes, etc.. or
generally customized to everyone varied needs depending on the contest
or how the hardware is used. I do try hard to read each and every
positive listing here when it comes to set-up and operating tricks.
In a previous listing one operator indicate he never used ALT-K window
and used only his keyer. My only one comment is that not all of us are
bless with good health, I am one. My problem is minor, a hand tremor,
but it is bad enough to make me thing twice about make something as
simple as a patch cable. Yes I can painfully send code with my keyer
and that means painfully for your guys, not me. So the Alt-K (or other
keyboard tools) can be a useful aid for me but mostly for those on the
receiving end.
Thanks for the gentle reminder Richard.
73 de Eric - VE3GSI
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Leary
Subject: [WriteLog] Alt-K Window does not display characters
Wayne, and Writelog Users,
First, Wayne, thanks for a nice logging program, and Scot, K9JY, for a
most helpful Writelog website.
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