[WriteLog] rig control and ci-v addresses

Irwin C Darack irwin.darack@bms.com
Thu, 07 Nov 2002 01:41:07 -0500


If you are using an Icom CI-V box that let's you control more
than one radio, my understanding  is that Writelog does not
support the use of the Icom multiple CI-V box. I have run in to
the same problem when using both my Icom 746 and Icom 706
connect to the Icom CI-V box. What happens is that both the
radios track together.  The solution has been to have each radio
connected to a different com port on the computer.  When
individually connecting my 706's and 746's to Writelog, I have
found that the baud rate is as  important as the address. Even
though the baud rate in Writelog is set for Autodetect, I have
found that a slower baud rate is always better. 4800 seems to
work fine for Icom radios and is fast enough for the Writelog.

I hope this helps, Irwin KD3TB

Steve Woodruff wrote:

> I checked k9jy's site but didn't see any
> info on this so i'll ask here:
> How can I specify the CI-V address in WriteLog
> for rig control?  Using a 3rd party ci-v tester
> (CI-V Commander) i am able to do everything.
> But WL won't talk to my 706mk2g.  My theory is
> that the ci-v addr isn't matching. I am using
> 0x58 (706mk2g default).  However, the rig
> selection is just "icom 706" which has a default
> address of 0x48  (706mk2 has 0x4E and mk2g 0x48).
> Actually, when i set the rig to use 0x48 then
> WL works just fine.  I'm just wondering whether
> this set in a config file and if so, can i
> add a new entry for the 706mk2g? instead of
> changing the addr on the rig?
> tnx
> Steve, N9OH
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