[WriteLog] Writelog DVK

Irwin Darack irwindarack@comcast.net
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 14:19:39 -0500

Thansk to everyone, especially Glen who sent me a location for great wav
files with a professional recording. I which I sounded so good. Need to work
on it for a while.

Look for me Sweepstakes. Irwin KD3TB
----- Original Message -----
From: "glen" <frodo_baggins100@yahoo.com>
To: "Irwin Darack" <irwindarack@comcast.net>
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Writelog DVK

> go to xmlog.com... he has a zip file of wav files for
> use 73's and gl and i will see you in the contest..
>                    glen n1nkc
> --- Irwin Darack <irwindarack@comcast.net> wrote:
> > Thanks to everyone for their assistance. I have the
> > Windows sounds now working using the built in Sound
> > Blaster card. I programmed the numbers in - Still
> > have to do the letters. I am using the mike that
> > came with the computer, so my audio is not the
> > greatest. Still need to figure how to get my audio
> > from my heil mike (with rig blaster) recorded.
> >
> > Does anyone know of a web site that I can find
> > perfectly recorded numbers and letters in wav file
> > format (broadcast quality voice) to download and
> > use?
> >
> > Thanks, KD3TB Irwin
> >
> >
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